Flood Tips
3/25/2020 (Permalink)
Spring is here! Although the temperatures are getting nicer, we have to deal with storms that bring on flooding. Here are some flood tips to keep you and your family safe:
- Never walk, swim, drive, or play in flood water. You may not be able to see how fast the flood water is moving or see holes or submerged debris.
- Beware of low spots, such as underpasses, underground parking garages, and basements.
- Remember that flash flooding can occur. If there is any possibility of a flash flood, move immediately to higher ground.
- Beware of streams, drainage channels, canyons, and other areas known to flood suddenly.
When Driving in Flood Conditions:
- If floodwaters rise around your car, abandon the car and move to higher ground if you can do so safely.
- Do not drive around a barricade.
- Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling; a foot of water will float many vehicles.